Friday 27 January 2017


With my mind’s eye 
I look out 
across the vast spreading sea 
Sometimes blue, sometimes amber 
sometimes an aqua mystery 
And you are there 
Drenched in the colours 
of the horizon 
Ever changing, 
like the dancing notes 
of a mellifluous symphony. 

Why do you stand there 
so far 
playing with the day's shadows 
While I try 
to hold the night at bay? 
Walk across the water 
on the bridge 
of your flowing words 
And I'll meet you there halfway 
In the no man's land 
of timelessness 
where the darkness courts the light 
in ancient rituals of flaming skies 
as dawn breathes life into days 

Let the sunbeams 
knit a boat 
from tinkling laughter 
With wings 
from soft white clouds 
of eternity 
Let the starry night 
spread its twinkling blanket 
of enchanting delights 
To cocoon us 
in the gossamer embrace 
of serendipity 
hold my hand 
and I'll walk you
to the moon and back 
On curves of rainbow dreams 
through breaths of trembling insanity 

The blinding light 
is reaching its tentacles 
deep into the night 
The bottomless abyss 
spreads faceless voids 
beyond the edges of sight 
Still all we do is stand 
Held motionless 
In the vicious churning waters 
called life. 


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