Friday 27 January 2017


I contemplate the rippling waters
And shadows of the deepening sky
Life mirrors back at me
Eternal aeons
In molten drops of moments passing by....

I am so glad to have you here, walking with me
through my moments of reflection and introspection.



Let me run my fingers
through your soul
And feel the roughness
of your dreams
Bathed in my tears
and yours
In flights of poetries

Let me trail my thoughts
through your furrows
By the light
of the waning moon
And hear the echoes
of your darkness
Studded by vagrant
starry tunes

Let me pillow my head
on your soft aches
In the drifting mists
of dawn
And drown with you
in dewdrops
Of a loving
healing morn.



You miss me!

Look out at the blushing dawn.
It carries for you, my blessings
Of eternal peace and warmth.

Peek at the fairies of the dust
Dancing abandonly
In the sunbeams!
That’s just me come to play with you
Like children…
Carefree, happy.

In the downy clouds, see me floating by
Trying to make you fly…
Ever so high,
Till you touch the sky

When the cool evening breeze
Gently ruffles your hair
Think of me, talking to God-
You are always in my prayer.

Gaze up at the brilliant stars
Studded in the night sky
They twinkle with my eyes
They speak with my heart
To every question you didn’t ask
They are my silent reply.

And when your eyes are heavy with sleep,
Look for the half moon at the window
In its glorious, curvy sweep.
That’s me,
Smiling at you

Maybe, you’ll keep me in your dreams….



We are the warriors 
Born in the night 
Victory runs hot in our veins 
We drown the dark 
In the songs of light 
Triumphant melodies 
Are our refrains 

Look up 
We are the fireflies 
We don't just talk, we flame 
Each word a promise 
Burning up the skies 
We paint our dreams 
With embers of our pain. 



Thump. Thump. Thump. 
There's a flaming riot in my head 
Feet walking 
Feet talking 
Secrets of the heart 

I hear them run 
I feel them dragging 
Sometimes, they tiptoe 
I strain to hear them move 

At times they dance
With joyous hope
That’s a pleasure to perceive
When sadness
Weighs their spirits down
I feel their burdensome grief.

But I love most
The skipping, flying feet
Their treads
As light as air
Buoyed up by dreams
That make them soar
On upbeat eddies
They ensnare

Whether they stamp
In frustrated ire
Or step gently
With tender care
I welcome the sounds
Of your moving feet
They confide in me
The deepest passions
Of your warm soul

The doors are open
Their arms wide in welcome
You may come and go
As you please
At liberty to be
A turbulent storm
Or a quiescent gentle breeze.

It’s a free passage for you
With a free rein
No holds barred
Patter, or pad,
Tramp or tap,
Let your dynamic rhythms
Talk to my receiving heart.



The world is still the same 
Bright and beautiful 
Would that my eyes forever see 
The blessings hiding 
In each moment 
Around every corner 
I believe, the best is yet to be! 

I trust every dawn to come 
With hopes 
In the blush of the rising sun 
And wait with a grateful heart 
For treasures 
That God hides behind every turn 

For those smiles born out of tears 
For every victory 
For my steps that never falter 
I thank thee 
For all that I have in times of need 
Let my heart never turn to greed 
For every joy that I receive 
Let my soul humbly bow in prayer
And find ways to share
And to care
Till the last of my breath is consumed
Let me have the strength to give.
In joy. In sadness. In strife. And in peace.



Fleeting grains of time 
Blurring memories 
That's life 
Smooth centers of now 
In rough edged reveries 

Fallen leaves 
Of curling desires 
Rainbow dreams 
And frosted smiles 
Of warm amber drops 
Mysterious evanescence 
A mistress of wiles

The mixed tape called life.



Do words hurt more 
or silences 
One flames 
the other embers 
They started forth 
on breaths 
of tender care 
By what wayward 
capricious storm 
were they
abruptly claimed 

Will they find their way 
into gentle rain 
Or will they forever 



Mauled and abused
And a trifle overused
I am stretched shapeless
In the never ending tussle
Between my two selves
One wants laughter
The other sheds tears
One a brave warrior
The other cowed in fear
The exuberance of hope
Against the stoic enduring pain
I watch them bewildered
Struggling to gain
While I quietly go insane

Who do I side with
In this tug of war
Stay with the stark reality
Or with the dreamful soar?
I love the dancing rainbow feet
The call of magical galaxies afar
But dare I ignore the accusing gaze
Of my gloomy ebony avatar!
They are, alas,
Like the night and the stars
Intense feelings and their scars

I let them play with the bits
Of my torn fragmented heart
In an aching loving duet
Of wistful wailing violins
And joyous gleeful guitars



With my mind’s eye 
I look out 
across the vast spreading sea 
Sometimes blue, sometimes amber 
sometimes an aqua mystery 
And you are there 
Drenched in the colours 
of the horizon 
Ever changing, 
like the dancing notes 
of a mellifluous symphony. 

Why do you stand there 
so far 
playing with the day's shadows 
While I try 
to hold the night at bay? 
Walk across the water 
on the bridge 
of your flowing words 
And I'll meet you there halfway 
In the no man's land 
of timelessness 
where the darkness courts the light 
in ancient rituals of flaming skies 
as dawn breathes life into days 

Let the sunbeams 
knit a boat 
from tinkling laughter 
With wings 
from soft white clouds 
of eternity 
Let the starry night 
spread its twinkling blanket 
of enchanting delights 
To cocoon us 
in the gossamer embrace 
of serendipity 
hold my hand 
and I'll walk you
to the moon and back 
On curves of rainbow dreams 
through breaths of trembling insanity 

The blinding light 
is reaching its tentacles 
deep into the night 
The bottomless abyss 
spreads faceless voids 
beyond the edges of sight 
Still all we do is stand 
Held motionless 
In the vicious churning waters 
called life. 



What is love? 

So much is written 
of love 
for love 
about love 
So much is 
forever said 
Oh what a rare 
and precious gem 
love is 
Yet transient
as a passing fad 

Does it mean 
living for one 
or dying 
Does it mean
to take 
or to give 
Is it built up of 
and laughter 
Or drawn with 
wet tears 
of bliss 

Are the aches 
and hurtful longings 
The forlorn glances 
that make up love 
Is desolate days 
and heartbreak 
the real thing 
Or should I believe 
in music and stardust 
showered from above? 

I think 
are exhales 
That become 
long dreamy sighs 
empty evenings 
Echoing laughter 
and slowly spreading smiles 
It is the mundane 
That looks like a 
gorgeous flame 
It is the same old song 
yet again 
But never 
quite the same 

Do we live love 
in days 
that pass 
In a fleeting blink 
of an eye 
Or in etchings 
of memories 
and precious moments 
that hold on 
Their tender caresses 
never passing by 

Love is words 
wedged sideways 
in glowing silences 
Gentle murmurs 
that soothe and cheer 
behind quiet glances 
Tranquil thoughts 
that flame and sear 

It's the rainbow prisms 
that dance 
in the middle of 
At once sunshine 
and the blues 
But most of all 
Love is 
I think 
An ecstatic feeling 
called YOU 



Like a sluggish river 
I flow 
Life just happened to me 
The bubbling, chattering brook 
a distant memory 

The rushing cascades 
but not quite forgotten 
The sea yet a distant shore 
I am lost 
middling somewhere 
Wondering which way to go. 
Many a whirlpool 
I hide 
in the depths 
Of my weary worn soul 
A reminiscence 
of days gone by 
And I still thirst for more 

I live slowly 
in hopeful meanders 
for the rushing gales
When they can hold back
no more 
the untamed gusts 
come, calling my name 
Once again 
I rise 
my ripples growing to waves 
in a turbulent rendezvous 
of tangled limbs 
and furious ballets 

Why don't you come 
more often 
to my expectant shores
of balmy clime
My heartbeats wait 
for your breaths 
and the whispers 
of a windy chime
To stir up some life
in the frigid foam
and the cooling sands 
of time 
Oh I wish 
you would make your home 
on these pebbly banks 
of mine!



In stillness 
I hear the songs that you make 
in the pit of your being 
The notes 
rising from your guitar 
In the unruly vibrations 
of my heartstrings 
I hear 
the sounds of your words 
But your tunes 
play on
An enchanting medley
Of a million different meanings 

When I look 
into your ocean eyes 
from all the world 
that you're struggling to hold inside 
I see 
behind my own reflections 
your hurt 
Trying to wet the corners 
of your exquisitely brave smiles 
I know then 
while my touch might not reach you 
When I hold your warm hand 
in mine 
Our thoughts are old friends 
from another life 
And my soul will dance with yours 
under His divine light
that shines on us benevolently
Till the end of time. 



Dreams of you 
Alive under my skin 
They slither like a snake 
And spread like a sin 
Flowing flaming lava 
I'm melting within. 

Of hot heavy fluids 
Slowly merging 
In a dried out crunchy shell 
They live red 
Wanton beads a sweating. 

I drink from your well
And scald some more 
Browning at the edge. 

Ignition point. 
Then sudden rain. 
Freezing. Hurting. Healing. 
I flutter madly 
A bird 
Caged behind a glass wall 

The mercury rises. 
Sweat begins to pour. 
Melting periphery. 
Boiling core. 
Pleasure courting pain. 
The inevitable full circle. 
I dream again..... 



I write 
Upon the opaque silences 
My brimming heart's desires 
Did you see them pass by? 

I see them dissipate now 
Like smoke 
From transient translucent fires 
Against a clear mocking sky 

I don't know 
If you blinked your eye 
In that fragmented moment 
And missed the paintings 
Of lost aches 
Upon the fickle blue 
But my breath is stuck 
Frosted in the summer heat 
Torn between the whisperings 
Of willing hearts 
And the haunted moist blankness 
Peeping through. 

In my turbulent, waking dream 
Did my ephemeral peace touch you?